My baby is 5. If you want to know the truth I hate it. They grow up so fast and I just want them to stay young. I can't believe it has been five years. He has been such a fun kid. He is a little shy and a mama's boy. I'm not complaining. Soon he will be a teenager and talk back :(

Ok, So I'm not crazy about Sponge Bob, but it was Logan's birthday and that is what he wanted. I figured better on the cake than on a t-shirt. So Spongebob it is. It was actually cupcakes that you pulled off and gave each kid. I thought it would be great. It was actually a huge mess. Next time regular cupcakes.

After all of the magic fun everyone got balloon animals to take home. It was one of the best parties we have done. Magician does his thing, we open presents , eat cupcakes and off you go. Plus the kids loved it.

Jayce came with Grandma Toni and Grandpa Rick to join in the festivities. I thought it was great that they both were asked to come up and help. Jayce was funny, he tried to take things out of the magician's pocket.

Logan got to help, but he couldn't keep his wand up. The kids were laughing histerically. (IS that how you spell that) remember that I can't spell.

We had a magician and he had Jackson Help him

Logan and his shiny new bike!